commercial .. Please DO NOT submit talent currently running in Insurance Commercials.
It is Local - Utah market
Will likely shoot next Friday - Sept. 7th (please check avail)
Casting will take place TOMORROW EVENING - Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012 - in SLC, Utah

Role: Hero couple (30s) - Male Female.. Caucasian - Great Faces and Personalities

Agent (40s-50s) - Friendly

Usage: On-camera local TV commercial, Utah only, non-speaking

Note: All other usage to be negotiated separately (print, you tube, website, etc.)

Terms: 1 – TV spot, 1 – 13 wk cycle (Utah only) print and other use would need to be negotiated.

Rate per Talent: $500 per spot per cycle, per market - 8 hour shoot, no discount for 1/2 days

Reinstatement per talent: $500  per spot per cycle per market, if booked within 18 months.

I need you to submit today, prior to 1:00 pm..

if you are interested and available email us back now!!




3-Put Insurance in email header

We will submit you and let you know thanks