Prototype:  “The Good Samaritan”

The LDS Church is entering pre-production on the film project,

The Parable of the Good Samaritan”

A short story based on the scriptural account found in Luke 10: 30-37 They seek a broad variety of cast who resemble the cultures and races represented within the scriptural account, namely: Semitic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and others of Middle Eastern/Southern European/North African origin.

They seek ALL possible candidates for a variety of roles: Actors and Extras. 


Generally, they seek individuals with darker hair and eye color, olive or brown skin tone, the ability to grow a beard (for men), and other common Semitic characteristics are desired, although not required.

They seek talent who strongly resemble the ancient Mediterranean peoples of North Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. Specifically, they seek individuals with the following physical traits:

• Skin coloration with an “olive” or “brown” tone;

• A prominent nose and bone structure;

• Typically black (or very dark) hair, unless it is graying;

• Prominent (or full) eyebrows.

If you fit these characteristics and would be interested in participating, please follow all directions below to apply online. 

For this project, it is not required that they be members of the LDS Church.


STEP 1:  Please send an e-mail to with TWO (2) Current Photos of applicant taken within the last 3 months:  (1) One headshot, face forward; and (2) One profile shot.  These photos need to be close enough and of sufficient resolution to clearly see your entire face and hair.  “.jpg” or “.bmp” formats only, please.  Save your files with the applicant’s NAME (ex. “yourname_profile.jpg”).

Actors applying for speaking roles should also include a current résumé in this e-mail.


STEP 2:  Please go to and complete the online application form. 

Submit your application AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  The earlier you apply, the greater your chances of being included.

Craze Agency