Casting "Where the Crows Sleep," an independent crime thriller.

Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations

Shoots in CA and NV.

Compensation & Union Contract Details

Pay, gas, and credit provided.

Seeking Talent Select a role below for more information and submission instructions.

Seeking Talent Select a role below for more information and submission instructions.

    Bill Twig Holden (Lead): Male, 25-35, Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Ethnically Ambiguous / Mixed Race messy, disheveled, and penniless gambler who is desperate for money and on the run from authorities, after committing a successful crime. Pr... more
Cheyenne Williams (Lead): Female, 25-30, African American, Hispanic
needs to be tough; can hold her own; artistic, sensitive, and strong-minded, willing to speak her mind; was once in love with Twig.


August 30th in Las Vegas, NV.

Audition & Submission Instructions

Please email


2-Reel and or resume



5-Put T Sleep in email header

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