Audition Times:
Friday, Aug 16th: 6pm-10pm -Vocal Auditions (Doors will open at 5:30pm for set up and early comers)
Saturday, Aug 17th: 12pm-3pm - Vocal Auditions (Doors will open at 11:30am)
Saturday, Aug 17th: 3pm-5pm - Dance Auditions

Bunker Dance Center
7850 W Ann Rd, Suite #130
Las Vegas, NV 89149

"Guys & Dolls"
Direction By Doug Baker
Music By Shauna Oblad
Choreography by Teresa Isgriggs

Auditionees should prepare and sing a music number from the show. Please bring sheet music if you have made cuts to the song you wish to perform, otherwise we will have music available. An accompanist will be present for the vocal auditions. Dialogue side will be provided. Non-traditional casting will be employed. Those wishing to audition are encouraged to present their slightly quirky side, a unique quality that sets you apart. For dance call please wear comfortable clothing you can move in, and ladies bring character heels if you have them. Women are encouraged to exude a quality that makes them sexy without being sexy . . . Make ‘em drool!

We hope to see you there, and good luck!

We are welcoming anyone performing in "Legally Blonde" or "The Producers" this summer at the Ranch! If you wanna audition, come on down! We'll work around your conflicts!

Rehearsals will start August 21st, Show previews start October 28th and show runs until November 23rd @ Summerlin Library Theater