We are shooting in and around Boise in late June to late July.

There is pay of 500.00 bucks for the main roles.

200.00 for supporting.

For the main roles we are looking for high school kids or two years
removed from HS. Must look like HS kids!

They need to be available in the months
listed as we are shooting a month straight.

Main Roles

Zoe (lead) cute, brunette bubbly, sassy, High School Girl no taller than
5'8- This is a musical so awesome singing is preferred but will take great
actor and have them lyp sync.

Madison (lead) Cute, blond/red head or any color but brunette HS girl, no
taller than 5'8 Intense,great range of emotions, must be able to cry on
cue. Singing is preferred but will take great actor and have them lyp

Derrick- (lead)Blond or light hair, rich pompous, snobby, dick, no taller
than 5-11 Singing is preferred but will take great actor and have them lyp

Kaz-(lead) eclectic, has her own style, outcast, different, any
height,Singing is preferred but will take great actor and have them lyp


Zoe's Mom- Must look like Zoe, 35-50 years old

Zoe's Dad- great at one liner comedy, funny actor,35-50

Madison Mom- Must look like Madison- great rang of actor, 35-50

Madison Dad- really funny at Comedy and timing of lines, 35-50

You can pass out the entire script.

Zoe sides 4-7,8-9
Madison sides 58-59,99-100
Derrick sides 15-16,73,74,75
Kaz sides 36-37,50-51,95-96

Zoe's mom (Beth) sides pg 8-9
Zoe's Dad (Jim)sides pg 8-9, 49-50
Madison's Mom (Karen)sides pg 9-11
Madison's Dad (Ed)sides pg 93-95,98

If interested email us asap 
to crazesubmissionsonly@gmail.com
2 -Part
4-Put Let it flow in email header

We will then give you directions on how to audition thanks!