Campus Studios is shooting a video reading to submit to production companies for their new movie ‘Seven Alone’, a historical fiction about the Sager family children crossing the Oregon Trail.


The film is scheduled to be shot this summer by veteran filmmaker Lyman Daton (Where the Red Fern Grows). Pay is negotiable, and prospective talent may be considered for a role in the feature length film.


Cold reads will be available.


Auditions will be held on the BYU campus in the Joseph F. Smtih building (JFSB), room 4101 on Saturday, January 30th from 10am-2pm.

Map Link:


Talent must be available to work the evening of Friday, February 12 and all day Saturday, February 13.


Actors needed:


John: Caucasian, 15-19

John is the oldest child in the Sager family. He is independent and adventurous, and idolizes wild west hero, Kit Carson. However, he is also lazy, immature, and rebellious. The main storyline focuses on John’s maturity into manhood as he is forced to take care of his family under strenuous circumstances.


Francis: Caucasian, 13-17

Francis is the younger brother of John. He is witty and sarcastic, and he is similar to John in many ways, but their similar personalities cause them to clash. He tries to emulate his father, Henry. Francis struggles with John’s questionable leadership, but isn’t sure whether there is a better alternative.


Catherine: Caucasian, 13-17

Catherine is the younger sister of John. She tries to self-define by comparing herself to John; she is the obedient, reliable, smart child.  She is unsure, yet diligent, but hasn’t yet found her place in the family dynamic. She relies heavily upon her mother, Naomi, for guidance. She eventually learns how to be her own woman.


Matilda: Caucasian, 8-12

Matilda is the younger sister of John. She is insecure and relies heavily upon John and Catherine. However, she is very smart and caring. Much of the storyline revolves around Matilda’s connection to Naomi through Naomi’s previous possessions.


Henry: Caucasian, 30-40

Henry is the father of the Sager family. He is sincere and hardworking, and he tries to do what is best for his family, but has a lot of trouble raising John. Much of the conflict revolves around his death.


Naomi: Caucasian, 30-40

Naomi is the mother of the Sager family. She is wise, patient, and loving, and would do anything for her family. She is a woman of faith. Much of the conflict revolves around her death.


Kit: Caucasian, 30-40

Kit is John’s heroic idol. He is a manly cowboy who lives for the West. However, he is also humble and diplomatic, and is a victim of the western fairytales which make him out to be something he’s not.


If you are interested and fit any of the above roles, you may attend the audition this Saturday at your convienience.





Craze Agency