February 11 & 12 -- Stage Coach Theatre auditions "The Sweetest Swing in Baseball". Directed by Liam Tain. Needed are 3 men and 4 women. 2pm each day, at the theater.

February 11 &12 -- Boise Little Theater auditions "Rabbit Hole", directed by Mike Mullens. 2pm in the theater greenroom. Needed are 2 men, 3 women. No preparation or appointment necessary. For more information, please contact mailto:%20boiselittletheater@gmail.com.

March 3 -- Prairie Dog Productions auditions "James Blonde". 1:30pm at the theater, 3820 Cassia. Come prepared to improvise, sing, and have fun! All positions are paid!

March 17 & 18 -- Boise Little Theater auditions "The Pink Panther Strikes Again", directed by Brad Ooley. 2pm in the theater greenroom. Needed are 8 men, 8 women. No preparation or appointment necessary. For more information, please contact mailto:%20boiselittletheater@gmail.com.